Friday, December 23, 2022

Bahamas Christmas 2022 - Day 4: Cable Beach

The weather was a bit of a wildcard today. It started out looking promising, judging from the photos Lauren and Jeanne took at sunrise this morning, but then turned hazy/cloudy within a few hours. 

It was still quite warm (low 80s), but threatening rain, so we lounged around the resort through most of the morning.

After deciding that it wasn't actually going to rain, we set out on a mini adventure that involved walking just over a mile to the center of the Cable Beach area. Technically, Sandyport is on the end of Cable Beach, but we wanted to see more of it, and also scope out a restaurant where we already have a reservation for Christmas day.

The public beach access is adjacent to the Sandals Royal Bahamian, and is an interesting slice of culture.

We found a stretch of beach away from the resorts, which were all playing loud music and hosting various watersports on their shores, and settled in along the seawall for an afternoon of reading and swimming.

The weather was still questionable, but the sun did occasionally peak through a hole in the haze.

Over the span of several hours, a few jet skis departed and returned, and the Sandals boat ferried people to and from Discovery Island, which Wikipedia tells me is owned roughly half by Royal Caribbean, and half by Sandals.

It wasn't the most amazing stretch of beach we've seen here, but it was clean and quiet, and also the water was clear and fairly calm. In hindsight, we probably should've piled on one of the small buses that run along West Bay street and gone farther down, to Goodman's Bay Beach park. (It was another 2 miles past where we were.)

Some time around 3 PM, we'd had enough beach for today, and headed back to Sandyport on foot. We considered trying the bus, but several people were still wet, it wasn't that far of a walk (with sidewalks the whole way), and the weather was still cooperating.

Along the way, Steve and I stopped for walking beers at a charming hole-in-the-wall.

Once back at the suite, we had to cool down with piña coladas and such, while everyone took turns trying to scrub off sand and sunscreen. The blender in the kitchen is barely up to the task, but it can get the job done with some coaxing. Pro tip: a heavy ladle makes an adequate ice-breaking implement in a pinch.

I decided to enjoy my piña colada down by the lagoon, watching the sunset.

Eventually, Sabrina found me and relayed the current dinner plans.

I mostly ignored the suggestion of dinner, and continued enjoying the sunset. 

Not in the mood to dine out again, we instead decided to get takeout (from one of the few restaurants we hadn't yet tried: Spritz) and ate in the suite.

After dinner, we had a few rousing rounds of Codenames.

It's supposed to rain all night and part of the morning, and generally be cooler and moist tomorrow. Depending which weather app/site you trust, tomorrow's high will allegedly be somewhere between 72 and 75F, with a chance of rain all day.

The plan, as of right now anyway, is to hop a bus over to downtown Nassau, stroll around, and play tourist for a bit. If the weather isn't awful, perhaps there will be time for a ferry ride over to Paradise Island and back (rather than walk one of the lengthy/high bridges).

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