Thursday, December 22, 2022

Bahamas Christmas 2022 - Day 3: Sea Wall Beach

Our weather luck held out again today, so we continued our string of beach days.

First, we relaxed at the poolside beach after breakfast in the suite.

I found a nearby hammock and spent some quality time with a book.

After an hour or so, my reading was interrupted with a summons back to the pool, where a plan was evolving for today's beach excursion.

We walked west along West Bay street for about 3/4 of a mile to a beach that I'm going to call Sea Wall Beach, because it isn't labeled on any maps that I can find.

This is the view of the canal leading to the marina/lagoon, from the bridge.

The initial impression of Sea Wall Beach is a bit rocky, but it turned into a beautiful white-sand beach as we kept walking.

We spent almost 3 hours lounging on the beach, swimming, napping, reading, snacking, etc., before packing up and heading back to the resort.

Back at Sandyport, we unloaded, regrouped, and went back out to enjoy the last 2 hours of beach weather, at the lagoon. I found another hammock, and got back to my book.

Eventually, it got too dark to read, and we hadn't eaten much today, so we headed back in to make plans for dinner.

We opted to head back to the Blue Sail on the beach, where we ate the first night we were here, but sat at the bar this time.

Dinner consisted of a random mix of sushi, appetizers, and a few wood-fired pizzas. We introduced Jeanne to the miracle of Hawaiian pizza, which is definitely not a controversial topic.

Our bartender was surprisingly enthusiastic about music, and enticed some people into spontaneous karaoke... more than once.

Several hours later, we made it back to the suite, with just enough time for a card game before bed. The game was nearly derailed by a wine-opening accident, but doctor Sabrina was able to assist the patient with a thumb bandage, so we could get on with the game.

If the weather forecast(s) can be believed, tomorrow might be the last decent weather that we see for the rest of the trip. There's a "once in a generation" winter storm moving across the US, so we really can't complain about the threat of rain and slightly-below-average temperatures, but 70s and overcast isn't exactly beach weather.

With that in mind, we'll probably spend tomorrow at the beach. The question is... which beach?

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