Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Alaska 2018 - Day 6: Skagway

The ship docked in Skagway while everyone still slept, some time around 4 or 5 AM. I guess the sun was already up.

For the first time since leaving Whittier, we stepped off the boat around 10:30 AM; there was no rush, since we weren't leaving until 8 PM or so, and there isn't that much to do in Skagway.

Our amazing luck with the weather was waning slightly, as it was overcast and windy all day. It wasn't raining, however, so our luck hasn't completely run out.

We walked up Broad Street, which is lined with tourist traps and restaurants.

What with being on a ship that's predominantly populated by retired folks with white hair, many of whom seem to be sick, we all managed to get colds in the first few days at sea.

And since we didn't think to bring any cold medicine with us, we briefly ventured off of tourist row to pick up some generic Sudafed at the (extremely) local grocery store. (When Jason asked a random passer-by about the location of a hypothetical pharmacy, the answer was "Juneau".)

Not really being in the market for overpriced tchotchkes, we quickly reached the end of town, and found ourselves in front of the Skagway Museum.

Having nothing much to do and plenty of time to not do it, we ponied up the $2 (each) to see the collection of historical artifacts from the area.

At the museum, I picked up a trail map, and convinced everyone that we should take a short, easy hike in the woods to get out of the wind.

The start of the trail was clear across town, so we meandered down Main St, past the airport, to the foot bridge.

It was a relatively easy, pleasant hike out to Yakutania Point.

Not wanting to turn around and go back the way we came, we decided to continue on the trail and do the Smuggler's Cove loop as well.

It was around this point that it occurred to me we should probably have some bear repellent. Oh well.

The rest of the loop back to the bridge was steep and difficult, unfortunately.

At the end, we opted for the "Pet Cemetery Loop"... which was even steeper. And weird.

The end of the loop back to the footbridge afforded lovely views of the airport and entire town.

After our hike, we headed to Skagway Fish Company for a late lunch, then headed back to the ship.

We had dinner on the ship, as it departed from port. Sabrina and I went up to one of the outdoor decks after dinner to watch the scenic mountain views as we sailed south down the channel.

It was just a tad windy up there; apparently "Skagway" roughly translates to "windy place" or something like that.

Tomorrow, we'll already be in Juneau when we wake up.

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