Thursday, July 28, 2016

Iceland 2016 - Day 8: Departure

Day 8 was another beautiful day in Reykjavík.

We had an early breakfast at the hotel, packed up, and returned the rental car. The Hertz shuttle bus driver offered to take us anywhere, so we had him drop us off by city hall. Once he looked up where that was, it was a short ride downtown.

We strolled around the Ingólfstorg (translation from Icelandic) square area, and down by the waterfront.

There's an exhibit of maps at the edge of the harbor that show the locations of shipwrecks off Iceland's coast. I think there were about a dozen of them, covering different timeperiods.

I got a coffee, and we toured around the edge of the marina where the cruiseship tourists find things to do, intermixed with commercial fishing vessels and private boats.

These are whale-watching boats, apparently.

By 11:15 or so, we had worked up enough appetite to sample the selection at the "best hot dog stand in Europe", AKA Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur.

They were quite good.

After lunch, we wandered towards the Harpa, and over to the waterfront.

The "sail like a viking" ship was heading out for a tour. I don't think it quite lived up to the poster.

There were still a few blocks along the water that we hadn't seen yet, so we sauntered along the shore walk, stopping to see Sólfarið ("Sun Voyager").

I thought this was a nice photo, until I did a Google image search for it. I hope they sell some of those as prints.

By then it was almost noon, so we walked back up to the hotel, shuffled some luggage around, and caught the shuttle bus back to Keflavík airport.

The airport is a lively place, full of features like foosball...

Stained glass skylights...

Local delicacies...

And the perfect souvenirs to take home.

Word on the street is that the $450 hairy stool even comes with its own brush! If only we had somewhere to put one of those...

We ate lunch at the airport, and also procured sandwiches for the plane ride. The flight home was relatively uneventful, aside from being delayed a few hours due to weather in Newark.

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