Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bermuda 2017 - Prolog

[This might really be an epilog, I suppose; it's complicated.

 I didn't initially write about our trip to Bermuda, for several reasons.

The reasons weren't very good, and several people demanded to know why I didn't post any photos, so I decided that I would get around to it eventually. It's been 11 months, which is sort of a new approach for me; I've travel-blogged live(ish) before, and immediately upon returning home, both with and without notes, but never (almost) a year later.

It will be short, as the trip was basically just a long weekend, and I only have about 350 photos. I say "only" because I almost certainly would have taken more, but my phone went for a swim in the ocean on day three. (I essentially stole Sabrina's phone for the rest of the trip.)

One of the reasons I've decided to finally do this is that I can foresee a future wherein we go to Bermuda again, and it (historically) has been very helpful to have this material to refer to on repeat visits.

I'm also curious to see how difficult it is to recall contextual details from photos, 11 months later.

In order to facilitate being able to find these posts again, I'm going to backdate them to the correct day.]

Some time last... late fall, or early winter? my sister asked us if we had any interest in going to Bermuda with them right after New Years.

We managed to find a direct flight out of JFK that landed within an hour of theirs. After staying overnight on Long Island, we had an uneventful morning flight to Bermuda on January 4th.

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