Friday, February 19, 2016

Berlin 2016 - Day 6

Friday morning, Jeff went and put in his last few hours at the conference. I got up at the usual time and packed.

We hopped on the bus to the airport just after 12, and arrived with plenty of time to make our 2 PM flight to Munich. (Day 6 of "Berlin 2016" is mostly in Munich, technically. Oops.)

It was roughly 3:45 by the time we made it to the airport hotel. Jeff had suggested earlier that we might rent some overpowered BMW for a few hours and go racing on the autobahn, but the timing was tight (would have had to be back by 6), and also it was raining lightly, with a weak threat of snow.

We dumped our luggage, and instead of driving a BMW, we settled for the next best thing; Jeff took me to BMW World so we could relive his European Delivery.

We walked around briefly and looked at the pretty cars. Jeff talked about how amazing some of them are. I told him which colors I liked, and which were ugly.

We headed up to the top level, and Jeff waxed nostalgic about watching his car being "born" as it came up the car-elevator to the "victory lap" area.

We watched with envy and amusement (respectively) as a new member of the BMW ED family did his victory laps around the short track in his new, red convertible.

I was getting hungry, so we bid our fond farewells to BMW World and boarded the train towards Marienplatz.

Jeff led the way down a few side streets, and we emerged in front of Hofbräuhaus.

This location was much livelier than the one in Berlin, what with it being the true Hofbräuhaus. Also probably related to it being Friday night, instead of a Tuesday afternoon.

We settled in for a light dinner and a wee pint or two.

A scant two and a half hours later, we returned to Marienplatz and found the train back to the airport/hotel.

Tomorrow morning, we fly back to Newark. I'll have about 10 hours to kill on the plane, so I'll probably write an epilogue. Tune in later for the final entry.

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