Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ireland again - Day 8: Epilog

Sunday morning, we had an early breakfast at the B&B and headed north to Dublin (and the airport).

We took the M50 highway around Dublin, which was interesting because it was the only all-electronic toll in the country, I think. There were signs reminding drivers to pay by 8 PM tomorrow.

Traffic was light-to-non-existent at 8:30 AM, as the Irish aren't morning people at all. Particularly not on a Sunday, apparently. We made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare, but had to get some diesel. We found a strange, mostly commercial petrol station and filled up the MPV.

Dublin does US customs pre-clearance, meaning we had to wait in several lines for over an hour (after already passing through airport security) to get to the gate. After that, we had time for one last Guinness, and not another minute to spare, before boarding the plane.

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