Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Ireland again - Day 4: Cross-country drive, Cliffs of Moher

Wednesday morning, Sabrina went to the conference and the other early risers were first in line to see the Book of Kells and tour Trinity College. I passed on that, as I had been up late and also had already seen the Book of Kells previously.

After Sabrina finished her conference, we grabbed some sandwiches for the ride and threaded our way out of the city, headed west for County Galway.

We originally had a vague plan to stop in Galway City briefly, but everyone had had enough of city life for now. Instead, we booked tickets to see the Cliffs of Moher(wikipedia) by boat, leaving from Doolin around 5 PM.

Along the way, we stopped briefly at Dunguaire Castle for a look around.

Next, we stopped very briefly at Blackhead to take some pictures.

When we reached Doolin, we stopped at the ticket office for the boat rides to claim our prepaid tickets. Instead, we were informed that the water was too rough and the 5:15 boat wasn't going out.

With that plan scuttled, we continued down the road to the Cliffs of Moher visitor center to see the cliffs from the top. The weather cooperated for the most part; a few raindrops, but no fog.

After leaving the cliffs, we headed for our stopping point for the night in Ennis, at the Old Ground Hotel.

We met a Terrizzi family friend at the hotel, where we had (amazing) dinner at the adjoining restaurant, and then retired to the (attached) pub for a pint and some local music.

Tomorrow, we're going to Bunratty Castle, and then continuing on to the Killarney area.

Short post tonight because most of the day was spent in the car, or at the cliffs, and we were at the pub until after midnight ;-)

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