Friday, July 30, 2010

Canada again, eh?

So, Sabrina didn't quite consider the trip to Prague to be a "vacation", what with the working and all. She wanted to take a "real vacation", so we decided to go back to Nova Scotia.

Oh, and I'm not sure exactly how this decision was reached, but our friends Matt and April are coming, too.

Sabrina was already up in Boston, having gone up on Monday morning for a conference. Matt, April, and I drove up to Boston on Wednesday (about 6 hours), and we all stayed at my parents' house that night.

On Thursday, we drove to Canada (another ~7 hours) and stopped in Fredericton for the night. We went "downtown" and had a fantastic dinner at BrewBakers. After dinner, we had time for a quick trip to the hotel's hot tub and pool before bed.

Thursday, we sampled the local equivalent of Dunkin' Donuts (Tim Hortons) for breakfast. Aside from some of the weird people in there, it was pretty good.

We had about 4 more hours to go until reaching Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, so we headed out right after breakfast. About halfway, we stopped in Moncton for a bit. We had impeccable timing, and were walking by the river right at high tide, when the tidal waters come back up and cause the river to flow backwards for a few hours. I got a decent video of this happening, which I will post somewhere later posted on YouTube.

We grabbed lunch at the Pump House Brewery, which we had been to last time we were up this way a few years ago. I (again) had the beer sampler of 9 different beers that they brew.

Leaving Moncton, we drove a few more hours to Charlottetown, including a stop for gas (last before PEI) and a trip over the largest bridge-over-water-that-freezes (8 miles).

It was 5:30 by the time we finally found our destination: a swanky, furnished condo right on the water in Charlottetown. The guy who owns the place met us there and offered a lengthy explanation of his situation. This place is his winter home, because his summer home, about an hour east (115 acres?), gets 20 feet of snow in the winter. He's originally from Boston, and also has a house on Cape Cod, but doesn't like it down there anymore because it's too crowded in the summer.

The condo is absolutely gorgeous, and is in a great location.

After getting settled in, we walked over to Peake's Quay for some dinner. April got a lobster, and made a huge mess.

After dinner, we got ice cream at the "best ice cream in Canada", Cow's and walked around town for a bit. We stumbled upon a "history of PEI" uh... light show?... projected on the front of the government building.

We spent the rest of the night planning the remainder of our time on PEI. (Mostly April and Sabrina, really.)

The pics are up. If you're wondering why they're all out of order... you can ask April why she didn't set the time or date on her camera. I re-ordered them to match reality, I think.

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