Thursday, July 21, 2016

Iceland 2016 - Day 0 + 1: Reykjavík

Welcome to Iceland, 2016 edition! (I didn't always put years on trip names, but then we started going to the same destination multiple times, and it got confusing. Trying to plan ahead, this time.)

On this year's Annual Adventure, we're joined by Ken and Rosaria, who are the catalysts behind this trip. It had been on our potential-destinations list for years (well, on mine anyway), but their decision to go to Iceland is what ultimately got it out of the theoretical stage.

We set forth for Newark airport, in rush-hour traffic, on Wednesday afternoon. After making a quick stop for Ken to add a missing bathing suit to the luggage ("it wasn't on the list"), we made it to the plane without incident, and settled in for a quick, 5-hour hop over the pond to Reykjavik (I don't know whether or not to accent that "i"; sometimes they do, sometimes they don't).

The simulated aurora borealis aboard the Icelandair plane was a lovely touch.

We landed just after 6 AM, local time, in a steady-but-light rain, fetched our luggage, and then boarded a bus for the 50-ish minute ride to the hotel from the Keflavik airport.

I don't think it was even 8 AM when we got to the Hotel Island (that's pronounced "ease land"). Our room wasn't available, what with checkin being 2 PM, so we shuffled some items around, left our luggage in the care of the hotel staff, and headed out in search of some breakfast. And coffee.

After getting something to eat, we commenced operation Try To Stay Awake All Day, beginning with a walk down the hill towards the waterfront. The cloud cover and/or fog was substantial, so the views weren't up to their full potential, but we walked along the water for a few blocks before turning back towards the city center.

We meandered through several streets that none of us had a chance of pronouncing, ultimately aiming for Hallgrímskirkja. The rain had almost given up for the day by then, I think.

Along the way, we stopped at a colorful bakery for some pastries.

And also for some photos in front of the Leif Erikson Hotel.

We took a quick look around the plaza and the interior of the church, but opted not to stay for the organ concert.

By then, it was almost 11 AM, we were over 1.5 miles from the hotel, and Ken was about to fall asleep standing up. He opted to head back to the hotel to see if our rooms were available yet, while Rosaria headed back towards the downtown area. Sabrina and I continued west, towards Hljómskálagarður park and Tjörnin pond.

Just past the park, we took a right a Ráðhús Reykjavíkur (city hall) and headed in the general direction of central Reykjavik.

A few blocks from city hall, we passed Reykjavík Cathedral and meandered into Austurvöllur square.

The sun had now come out, and it ended up being a beautiful day to walk 10 miles while sleep-deprived.

The metadata on that last photo assures me that it was still not even 11:45 AM, but we decided to aim towards the hotel since we still had 2 miles to walk back.

Around noon, we stopped for more coffee/tea before climbing Arnarhóll hill (no English version in wikipedia) for a view of the surrounding area, and yet another bronze statue.

Around this time, Ken sent us a message that the rooms were ready, so we stopped meandering and chose a direct path back to the hotel, stopping only to see the necessities that merited photography on the walk back. Like installation of radiant heat under sidewalks, a combination vegan food and record store, the Filadelfia (evangelical?) church, and snow-topped mountains in the distance.

We reunited with Rosaria a few blocks from the hotel, moved our luggage into the rooms, finally got a shower and a nap, and then made plans for the evening.

Before dinner, we squeezed in a visit to the Laugardalslaug thermal pools. There are some, uh, rules involved in this process. Let's leave it at that. Well, no... let's leave it at this second photo.

The heated pools and hot tubs were the perfect remedy for a long day/night of travel, jetlag, and walking.

Not bad for about $8.

It was after 7 PM by the time we headed back towards the hotel to find some dinner. Not wanting to walk any farther than necessary, and also being exhausted, we opted for beer and pizza. Actually, nobody else opted for beer.

That pizza on the left was pepperoni, pineapple, cream cheese, and parmesan. The one on the right was mozzarella, tomato, basil, and black pepper. These were two of the tamer options on the menu.

After dinner, we had time for a quick tour through the grounds of Ásmundur Sveinsson Sculpture Museum (AKA Ásmundarsafn) before returning to the hotel for the night.

Tomorrow, we pick up our rental car, and tour up the west coast towards Snæfellsnes.

If you made it this far, here's the link to the photo album for this trip.

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